Friday, April 11, 2008

Its A Small Big World

Wow, looking at all the social networks on the internet can be "mind googling" and even "mind blogging".
You know something is big when people that don't even use the internet have heard of , and Social networks come in all shapes, sizes, types and topics. There are programs on the internet where you can start your own social network. At your own business is combined in with a global social network with many video features for its members. The internet with its many, many social networks has connected the world, has changed our world - it's a small, big world.

John Raines Google Me!


Anonymous said...

The world has definitely been made smaller through social networking. Who would've thought just a few years ago that one could become friends with someone half-way across the world when you may never meet them face-to-face.

Rhonda Olin - Google Me

Unknown said...

Small World indeed. As I mentioned in my last blog .... Social Networks are becoming - Hometowns on line.

Miss Julia

Tess Anderson said...

That is so true that its a small Big World. We can all be brought a lot closer by the www and it's a wonderful place; there's so many social networks and you can't join too many of them.

Adrian Castle - Google Me

Dorothy Lanman said...

Yes the social networks are very popular and you never know who you will meet or the friendships you may make through them. I is amaz-ing how connected all these sites are and how much they have in common. Google Dorothy Lanman and check out with Jim Killeen. Neat stuff.

Wavecritter said...

John Raines! Clever Above All :) THX

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard of GlobalFriendsWin yet... so I'm off to check that out next!
Scott OBrien - Google Me

Google Me said...

It's a small world but though social networking and media it becomes a entire world. Thanks for careing and sharing this blog post.

bleuet said...

Yes isn t it neat to be able to connect with people from all over this world. Very clever John. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Wyverex said...

Stopping Bye To say Hi.....Hey that Ryhmes

Anonymous said...

good article. check out

Unknown said...
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