Thursday, April 3, 2008

I Just Had The Best Time On The Internet...

I just had the best time on the Internet. I spent the last hour and a half with a bunch of friends of mine from all around the world. We met in a social network classroom! We are all at different skill levels on the Internet, but with the group helping each other out the challenged students get the help they need. All they have to do is ask for it, and they are brought right up to speed with the group as a whole. I got to personally talk to my friend Francis in Singapore! What a thrill. I never thought in a million years that I would ever be doing all these things. I am 53 years old and very new to the Internet. The things I am learning in this social environment are starting to really pay off.
I have not made a dime yet on the Internet; but I am very excited about what is coming. Contrary to all the hype out there, a real and viable online presence does not happen overnight. It takes work; work that I am learning to do from going to class. I am building the foundation to my online presence. I can see the incredible growth of my own personal branding in just a few short months. The things I am doing, the things that coach Cobb is teaching us to do are really starting to work. The fact that I learn with the networking classroom is a blessing to me. I can actually watch my coach go through a process that might be giving us all some trouble. Once you see it done right in front of you, it all makes sense. I think things are going to explode once FriendsWin 1.5 comes out. The ground breaking video capabilities that FriendsWin is going to showcase are going to astound everyone! If you would like more information on social network marketing, or FriendsWin specifically, please call me. Don't have my phone number? Don't know who I am? Well,just google me; Kurt Mitchell. Thanks for your valuable time.
-- Sincerely,
Kurt Mitchellgoogle me


Rhonda Olin said...

Kurt, it's great to be a part of the MyVMTeam. We learn a lot in our social networking classroom. Here's to your success!

Rhonda Olin - Google Me

bleuet said...

Kurt, Thank you for expressing so well what a lot of us wanted to say. It is wonderful to see such a huge group enjoying time together.

Anonymous said...

Very well written Kurt! I am also very happy to be associated with such a fine group of people.

Unknown said...

Hey Kurt, When I first stated reading your Blog - I thought --Who is this that Kurt is hanging out with---Then I realized it was "US" - MyVMT

Much Love,
Miss Julia
Google Me - Julia Gray