Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Network Marketing Quick Tip from John High

If you are new to this type of marketing or just need a refresher, take heed to this post. You need to do one thing
and do that one thing well. Become a “Master Inviter”. It really is that simple. I know you are excited and want to
tell the world but slow down a bit. Don’t put the “Cart In Front Of The Horse”, so to speak. If you talk too much
about your business right away it confuses too many people. Learn from me, I used to verbally throw up on my
Become a master inviter. Get your newbie’s in front of the pro’s who are doing the presentation. Too much
information becomes information overload. When this process takes place the sub conscious mind will start to
block it out. Invite and leave it at that. If your opportunity is a good one, people will see it on their own, trust me.
I should know, I have been there, done that. Get them in front of the presentation, and then have your direct
upline help you after that. You don’t have to know allot about your business to invite, so don’t let that part of the
procrastination get in your way. Your business will grow faster if you use these techniques and don’t get caught up
in letting anything stop you…
As Always, Thank You For Reading
The Freedom Guy
“Google Me” John High


Wyverex said...

The cart before the horse is never stable ... especially when you pick up speed :)

Google Me said...

If you learn to become a master inviter then you will master the internet.

mike jackson said...

Hi John
I never thought about it,but too much information is information overload.I've had it done to me in the past,and it does turn people away.Thanks for that quick tip.

Mike jackson

Unknown said...

Social Networking is defintely becoming the 'wave of the future'. 'Robin Good' states in his "Social Networking-Latest News" that "Social Networking tools and technologies allow like-minded people to find each other". Social
Networks are very popular among Network Marketers as a very unique way to cultivate trust and respect within the MLM community. Social Networks have become to the Internet what 'Social Clubs' have been to many well- connected affluent individuals in our society. I believe that we are at the tip of the "Social Network" iceberg.

Unknown said...

Social Networking is defintely becoming the 'wave of the future'. 'Robin Good' states in his "Social Networking-Latest News" that "Social Networking tools and technologies allow like-minded people to find each other". Social
Networks are very popular among Network Marketers as a very unique way to cultivate trust and respect within the MLM community. Social Networks have become to the Internet what 'Social Clubs' have been to many well- connected affluent individuals in our society. I believe that we are at the tip of the "Social Network" iceberg.

bleuet said...

Great advice - Thanks a lot.

Ask Jim Lucier said...

John, great advice, use to always oversell, took along time before I realized what I was doing wrong.
Jim Lucier - Google Me

Unknown said...

Right On... If you talk too much
about your business right away it confuses too many people. This was the way I started and it didn't work. When I learned about marketing myself... that when things turned around! Thanks John!

Unknown said...

"If you talk too much
about your business right away it confuses too many people" - right and it may also turn them off so they ignore you.

Wavecritter said...

John High The Freedom Guy and Master Inviter! Brilliant!

Kurt Mitchell said...

you are so right John, I used to be the same way. I was introduced to online business by a company that uses the oversell technique. I am still trying to re-train myself from doing that. great post

Kurt Mitchell
google me

moniebagsnt said...

You know John i never thought of that
Linda McClendon Google Me

askGerhard-Kaiser said...

Thanks for the advice. I never thought about it...
Now I´m along another step.
Gerhard Kaiser - Google me